NAME:Annemarie Reinhold
FROM: Germany, living in Cork, Ireland PROFESSION: Silversmith/Jewellery
My aim is to create unique engaging sculptural and wearable objects. I love nature. My work is inspired by the natural world I see. My interests are botanical, the endless inspiration to be found in trees and the whole plant world which surrounds and sustains us.
This has driven me to design and create plant like forms and more recently, studying vegetables and fruit. Celebrating the preciousness of our vegetables and fruit and considering topics such as con- sumption and sustainability.
Using metal, which has durable qualities, allows me to capture the constant flux in nature, and trea- sure these moments. I have often wished it was possible to preserve special moments, to capture their beauty. This is what I aspire to achieve by making structural forms; reflect those moments in something that will last, using the durability of metal.
I have chosen to attend the iAtelier as I am curious about new techniques and new technology. In the past I have been a little dismissive of, for example computer animated design, however more recently I feel it is important to have an open mind and learn from new technologies. I think there are exciting possibilities to combine traditional and new techniques and processes.
My knowledge is very limited regarding new technology and I like to learn about different ways of creating. I also hope to meet makers from different backgrounds as I am a believer in learning from each other. I think the more we learn about processes the more possibilities are there and the more exciting work we can create together.
To create my work I use a set of different traditional silversmithing techniques such as raising and chaising. In general, I use saw piercing, embossing, surface decorating, scoring and folding, solder- ing, shaping metal by hand as well as with help of traditional tools. Most of the techniques I use are traditional and have been around for a long time.
I have very basic skills in photoshop, indesign and Rhino