My name is Jessica Estraviz, and Mar de Miranda is my project which is located on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, in a Mera fishing village very close to La Coruña. I learnt the artisanal soap-making technique at the school in Barcelona and courses at the ICAD International Academy of Seoul, CASAMU. I have always been encouraged by the passion of my grandmother, so with this program, I wanted to renovate my knowledge.
My business objectives are:
Working in a trade that I like and that the product has added value, encompassing details such as being produced in an artisanal way, with local ingredients and being respectful with the environment.
My learnings from the Crafting Business Programme:
Being able to participate in Crafting Europe project has allowed me to develop my knowledge in the craft sector, and open a new vision in the field of craft sales in Europe. I think that with the tutorials and advice, I am able to improve and get to know the sector in depth.
My 5 top tips that I have learnt on this journey