Mariam Tushishvili- TM Enamel Art
Phone: +995 591418044
Facebook: TM Enamel Art
Etsy: TMEnamelArt
Mariam Tushishvili- TM Enamel Art
Phone: +995 591418044
Facebook: TM Enamel Art
Etsy: TMEnamelArt
Art is an integral part of me. I studied the technique of enamel at the Academy of Arts in 2001 and mastered the main profession of my life. The most interesting process of creating jewelry is when you start from a simple metal plate, which becomes a jewel in the working process. I like to combine enamel with various material: wood, precious and semi-precious stones, which prevents jewelry from appearing dull and monotonous. For almost 20 years I have been creating works with author’s design, which are never repeated and are exclusive. I am a member of the Union of Artists of Georgia and also a member of the Association of Traditional Crafts. The international jury of the Georgian Ethno Fest 2016 named me as the owner of the Grand Prix. I have also participated in several exhibitions.
I believe that the enamel technique has limitless possibilities and can be used at all times and in all forms, the abundance of colors and the durability of the material gives you the opportunity to create an object that will stand the test of time and can become part of history or relics for many people.
We should always be in search of innovation and should not be afraid of facing difficulties and obstacles. with the development of technology, it becomes much easier to create the most complex shapes and works, the synthesis of materials, it is easier to find any special stone or metal, any special piece of glass. This ancient and most complex craft was lost, and I was able to study it. This topic is very sensitive for me, I very carefully approach the design and production. For me, this is not a conveyor system, something automatic or just a source of income, this is a process that is an integral part of art, it is very difficult to start with your idea, you are involved in creating a certain object or collection, this is not just an object or decoration, it is a full-fledged thoughtful and complex object that conveys your inner emotions and mood, designed for the happiness of others.
There was a lot of news that I learned exactly at this seminar, even about small nuances that are necessary and important for brand development. I always thought that a business plan is not needed in the case of an existing brand, but today, when I listened to all the seminars and attended with the help of mentors, I realized that even for me it is very important to correctly formulate and calculate risks and priorities, set goals and that in this case it is important. Allocate time and my resources.
Be able to properly manage time management, be able to anticipate risks and be prepared for all expected difficulties. This knowledge will definitely come in handy in the future.